Best tips to teach grammar to kids at home

Children are now required to learn grammar to enhance their vocabulary and ability to communicate with others. By understanding the rules of English grammar, children are able to express themselves clearly and establish creative writing skills.
Learning grammar also helps children improve social skills as they will develop an appropriate way of speaking and be more easily understood by their peers. However, teaching grammar rules can be a struggle even for most grownups.
Remember, learning grammar does not always have to end in frustration. With fun and creative ways, you can help your child learn English grammar with confidence and enthusiasm. Vignan, one of the best schools in Vizag, shares some tips to help your child learn grammar at home.
1. Interacting section
A child learns most of the words only through listening. When they are young, their brain picks up whatever they learn through their surroundings. They learn to talk in a particular language that helps them to learn it efficiently. And when they make a mistake, try to correct it gently and have your child repeat the correct sentence.
2. Motivate theme constantly
You need to constantly motivate your child to learn grammar. For this purpose, you need to teach them things that are clear and understandable. Younger children easily understand things when taught through images and diagrams. Hence when teaching grammar, try to guide your children with sentence diagrams.
3. Encourage reading
Reading has a variety of benefits that helps children in the expansion of their vocabulary, helps to focus and concentrate, and builds writing skills as well as strengthens analytical thinking skills. Therefore, ask your child to read slowly and carefully to notice the punctuations, verbs, and tenses used, the rules of grammar.
4. Play grammar games
Children often respond best to a multi-sensory approach to learning. So, Vignan, the top school in Vizag suggests that involving actions and movement while learning grammar can help in conceptual understanding. A grammar game to play with your child can be like assigning different actions for each part of speech.
5. Sentence building game
For your younger child, write the words of a simple sentence on individual chits of paper, and ask them to put the words in the correct order, with capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and a full stop at the ending. This is a quick review game that helps students mix up words in order to form simple sentences for themselves.
6. Teach tenses
Tenses are used to show the time at which the action of a verb takes place. To help your child understand verb tenses, draw a tense chart on paper. Write some verbs in their various tenses such as present (e.g. play), past (played), future (will play), future continuous (will be playing), and so on – and get your child to move the verbs into the correct form.
7. Use dictionary
Learning to use a dictionary is an important part of mastering English grammar. Develop your child’s grammar skills by playing with a dictionary. For younger children, write down a mixture of correctly and wrongly spelled words and get them to find the right spelling, or challenge your older child to find the definition of some unfamiliar words.
Follow these steps to ensure that your child does not make any grammatical mistakes in the future. Happy teaching!