Best tips to teach grammar to kids at home

Vignan World One School

Children are now required to learn grammar to enhance their vocabulary and ability to communicate with others. By understanding the rules of English grammar, children are able to express themselves clearly and establish creative writing skills. 

Learning grammar also helps children improve social skills as they will develop an appropriate way of speaking and be more easily understood by their peers. However, teaching grammar rules can be a struggle even for most grownups.

Remember, learning grammar does not always have to end in frustration. With fun and creative ways, you can help your child learn English grammar with confidence and enthusiasm. Vignan, one of the best schools in Vizag, shares some tips to help your child learn grammar at home.

1. Interacting section

A child learns most of the words only through listening. When they are young, their brain picks up whatever they learn through their surroundings. They learn to talk in a particular language that helps them to learn it efficiently. And when they make a mistake, try to correct it gently and have your child repeat the correct sentence.

2. Motivate theme constantly

You need to constantly motivate your child to learn grammar. For this purpose, you need to teach them things that are clear and understandable. Younger children easily understand things when taught through images and diagrams. Hence when teaching grammar, try to guide your children with sentence diagrams.

3. Encourage reading

Reading has a variety of benefits that helps children in the expansion of their vocabulary, helps to focus and concentrate, and builds writing skills as well as strengthens analytical thinking skills. Therefore, ask your child to read slowly and carefully to notice the punctuations, verbs, and tenses used, the rules of grammar.

4. Play grammar games

Children often respond best to a multi-sensory approach to learning. So, Vignan, the top school in Vizag suggests that involving actions and movement while learning grammar can help in conceptual understanding. A grammar game to play with your child can be like assigning different actions for each part of speech.

5. Sentence building game

For your younger child, write the words of a simple sentence on individual chits of paper, and ask them to put the words in the correct order, with capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and a full stop at the ending. This is a quick review game that helps students mix up words in order to form simple sentences for themselves.

6. Teach tenses

Tenses are used to show the time at which the action of a verb takes place. To help your child understand verb tenses, draw a tense chart on paper. Write some verbs in their various tenses such as present (e.g. play), past (played), future (will play), future continuous (will be playing), and so on – and get your child to move the verbs into the correct form.

7.  Use dictionary

Learning to use a dictionary is an important part of mastering English grammar. Develop your child’s grammar skills by playing with a dictionary. For younger children, write down a mixture of correctly and wrongly spelled words and get them to find the right spelling, or challenge your older child to find the definition of some unfamiliar words.


Follow these steps to ensure that your child does not make any grammatical mistakes in the future. Happy teaching!

Teach these 7 healthy eating habits to your child

Vignan World One School

Knowing what to feed your child can be challenging as a parent! Not only are their likes and dislikes keep changing but it is also hard to know what needs to be served to provide children with a balanced and nutritious diet.

As your child grows, they start developing eating habits that follow them throughout their lifetime. Encouraging healthy choices is a great way to start them down the path of developing healthy eating habits that will help them carry a healthy lifestyle when they are adults.

Some of the important aspects of healthy eating are portion control and cutting down on high fat and sugary foods. It often takes time to develop healthy eating habits in children, so don’t get discouraged!

As explained by Vignan, one of the best schools in Vizag, below are some pieces of advice that help develop healthy eating habits in your children. 

1. Regular snack and meal schedule

Along with meals, healthy snacks are important because they provide children with the nutrients and calories they will need each day to grow. Schedule a regular snack and mealtime, so that the hunger and appetite are more regular. This will help children feel more in tune with the body.

2. Have your child eat a healthy breakfast

It’s important for kids to have a healthy breakfast to stay at a healthy weight. Breakfast starts the process of using calories throughout the day. Choosing foods that are rich in whole grains, fiber, and protein may boost your child’s concentration and memory, which they need to learn.

3. Encourage your child to eat slowly

Children can detect their hunger and fullness when they eat slowly. Therefore, ask your child to count the number of times they chew each mouthful. Aim for a small number of chews to start with, that is  3-5 chews per mouthful, and gradually increase it to 10 chews.

4. Eat together as a family

Try to make mealtimes enjoyable with good conversation and sharing. Children tend to eat more fruits and vegetables and other nutrient-rich foods. Eating together offers parents a chance to be role models and teach eating healthy and polite table manners.

5. Involve your children in preparing meals

Cooking can help your kids lay the foundation for healthy eating habits. So, encourage your child to help you in the kitchen, which will help your children learn more about nutrition and provide them with a feeling of accomplishment.

6. Do not encourage your child to eat meals while watching TV

Research suggests that children who eat while watching TV or mobile screens may become less sensitive to satisfaction. Eating in front of the screen makes it hard to pay attention to feelings of fullness that may lead to overeating and obesity.

7. Pay attention to the portion size

A portion is the amount of food you choose to serve your child at each snack or meal. Parents should know that the portion sizes for a younger school-age child, (kids from 4 to 8 years of age) should be about a third of an adult portion size.

Childhood is often a  crucial time to learn healthy habits that can last a lifetime. Need more tips for the healthy development of children? Keep following Vignan schools, Vizag.

7 Steps To Improve Your Child’s Academic Potential

Vignan World One School

A school is typically a safe place to not just achieve, but also explore. It creates an environment where your little ones learn, grow, and realize their academic potential. Both parents and teachers play a significant role in encouraging children to do their best. However, parents can make a little difference in fostering their child’s academic success.

In this article, Vignan, one of the best schools in Vizag explains how parents can foster their child’s academic performance and potential.

1. Identifying what your child is good at

Identifying the areas of your child’s strengths and weaknesses is the first step. Talk to your child to get an idea of what subjects they are struggling with and what subjects come easy for them. Help bridge the gap in their knowledge and learning so that they will not be afraid to tackle tough topics.

Encourage your child to pursue their areas of interest such as music, dance, and also allow them to participate in extracurricular activities within and outside of school.

2. Motivating your child

Children blossom if they receive the right encouragement and motivation from their parents. Motivation is either intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is that which provides personal satisfaction or personal rewards. Extrinsic motivation is when a child performs a behavior to earn a reward.

Therefore, talk to your child and acknowledge their hard work, thereby boosting their confidence which in turn, will motivate them to try harder.

3. Providing resources

Provide different resources for your child to learn, which include educational toys, software, books, and so on. Take your child to a library and encourage them to explore and bring home books to read and learn. This is because reading is a skill that parents should encourage their children to adopt at an early age.

Reading and working with their hands-on projects will increase their vocabulary, as well as improve their understanding of how things work.

4. Creating routines

Creating a routine for your child is especially important during the early years of schooling as it helps them to focus and finish the work. The earlier you establish a routine, the better establish their essential times such as work times, meal times, and bedtime.

Because these can affect how well children are able to sleep and eat, these items should come first. Routines help your child become organized and work without any pressure in the future.

5. Setting goals

Goals are extremely valuable in the development of every child. Learning to set and meet goals is the right way to evaluate where your child is and where they want to be. Therefore, teach them to set goals and give them the freedom to change goals if they are not able to achieve them.

Let your children choose their goals, discuss the purpose, break the big goal into smaller steps, brainstorm potential obstacles, and make a plan for how to address them.

6. Allow your child to succeed or fail

Treating your children like they are too fragile to handle failures is weakening their sense of self-confidence and ability to self-regulate. While it can be tempting to take control of your child’s schoolwork, it is important that your child learn to be responsible, dependable, and organized in their own work.

They can organize everything through their mistakes and the subsequent consequences. This is how your child can become strong in both success and failure.

7. Talk to your child’s teacher regularly

As a parent, parent-teacher conferences should be an essential part of your routine. You should schedule a time that works for both of you and you should show up at school-sponsored events whenever possible.

Ask your child’s teacher to give you an insight about how your child is doing at school and what you can do additionally, to foster your child’s potential, academic and otherwise.

At Vignan, one of the top schools in Vizag, we encourage parents to be involved in their child’s learning journey right from the very beginning. We believe that parents play a vital role in their child’s academic development. We also encourage differential learning, which further improves a child’s academic potential.

So, if you are looking to ensure that your child has a bright academic and co-curricular future. What are you waiting for? Get in touch with Vignan Schools and rest easy, knowing you have made the right choice!

Top 9 Reasons Why Your Child Should Learn a Foreign Language

Vignan World One School

Did you know that your child must learn a foreign language to enhance their brainpower? Yes, learning a foreign language will expand your child’s mind and bring them up to date with modern technology and how it affects their future employment opportunities.

In addition, learning multiple languages is beneficial for children as they grow up, not only does it enhance social skills, but also self-esteem and self-confidence. This important skill will also help their minds develop in ways that will give them an advantage later in life!

There are many reasons children should be bilingual. As explained by Vignan, one of the best schools in Vizag, here are the top 9 good reasons to encourage your child to learn a second language:

1. Improves your child’s academic performance

Studies have shown that bilingual or multilingual students tend to have higher academic scores than those who only speak one language. Additionally, learning a foreign language can help your child develop better reading and writing skills and math skills.

2. Helps build problem-solving skills

With so many different ways of saying things, practice makes reading between the lines and figuring out subtle differences easier. Learning  other languages also broadens a child’s vocabulary, helping them speak more clearly and logically.

3. Learn a new culture

When a child learns a foreign language, they are also learning about the culture of the people who speak that language. By learning about other cultures, your child will become more tolerant and understanding of different viewpoints.

4. Great for your child’s social life

Learning a foreign language will also give your child an edge when applying for admissions in universities or colleges since some colleges  are more impressed by applicants who have mastered another language.

5. Encourage their imagination and creativity

When learning any second language, students must take on someone else’s persona to understand what they are saying. This imaginative skill will be quite helpful when writing stories or poems later on in life!

6. Boosts brain power

The human brain is very malleable when young, so if children start learning before the age of 12, their brains will develop differently than those who do not. For example, learning a new language helps to increase the size of the brain’s left hemisphere, which is responsible for analytical skills.

7. Improve grades in other subjects

Since learning a foreign language requires students to think and learn differently, it can help improve their overall thinking process. In addition, knowing another language can give your child an advantage when taking standardized tests like the SATs or ACTs.

8. Improve communication skills

 Learning a foreign language helps to improve communication skills in both oral and written form. This is because it teaches children how to express themselves clearly and effectively when they are not able to use their native language.

9. Improve cognitive abilities

Studies have shown that children who learn foreign languages perform better in cognitive tasks such as problem-solving and critical thinking. This is because learning a new language requires the use of different parts of the brain, which helps to improve overall brain function.

The benefits of learning another language will last well beyond childhood! Therefore, consider that your children start learning a second language today so they can reap these advantages as early as possible. Need more information on the overall development of your child? Follow our blogs at Vignan School, Vizag

Benefits of music education for growing children

Vignan World One School

While listening to music is enjoyable, the benefits of taking part in it highly outweigh those of just hearing. Musical education during childhood can positively affect their academic achievement and overall development as well. And you do not need to wait until your child is older, music education has been shown to have positive effects on babies and toddlers!

Being exposed to music from early childhood has profound impacts on the development of the growing brain. Research studies also show that learning music enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas.

At Vignan, one of the best schools in Vizag, music education is a holistic program that encourages students to showcase their creativity and allows them to explore music beyond classroom learning.

Here are 7 benefits of music education that explain how music can help children now and how it can benefit their preparation for future endeavors.

1. Enhanced language capabilities

Music education helps gain larger vocabulary and increased reading comprehension skills. This is due to music lessons requiring students to recognize and repeat pitch, tone, or enunciation of words that benefit them to learn words, speak them correctly, and process the new sounds they hear from others.

2. Develops physical skills

Instruments such as piano, violin, and drums help students develop coordination and motor skills, which require movement of the hands, arms, and feet. At Vignan, we believe that improving coordination and perfecting timing is another complementary skill that also prepares children for activities such as dance and sports.

3. Develop social skills

While growing up, most kids face challenges of adapting socially. The best way to overcome this is by encouraging them to learn to play a musical instrument or be part of a singing group. This helps students develop social skills, such as how to relate with people, work in a team, and how to appreciate rewards and achievement.

4. Inspires creativity

Undoubtedly, musicians are some of the most creative people today. Whether it is writing the lyrics to a song or practicing a new way to play the guitar or violin, your children are going to tap into their inner creative spirits. This gives them that entrepreneurial edge over others and gives them an edge later in life.

5. Teaches them discipline

Playing a musical instrument or practicing music teaches students to persevere through hours, months, and sometimes years of practice before they reach specific goals. Music education teaches them the importance of discipline and to get better, they need to put in the time. This helps students become better disciplined and pursue their goals.

6. Teamwork

Music is often thought of as a way to enhance individual expression. However, music can also teach teamwork. Students work together to create a cohesive, technically correct, and perfect performance. Together, they form a community of like-minded individuals who can help each other reach goals and find a sense of belonging in music programs.

7. Problem-solving skills

The primary advantage of music education is the increased ability to process situations and find solutions mentally. Students with musical training have higher levels of grey matter volume in their brains, which are tied to auditory processing and comprehension. Music education also helps to listen to others, sense emotion, and react with greater understanding.

Thus, music is an essential part of a child’s life as they grow. Vignan, the top school in Vizag suggests that music education is an important aspect of providing children with a well-rounded education and preparing them for bright futures.

The Role of Vignan in child development

Extra Curricular Activities

The children of today are adult citizens of tomorrow. So, schools must stimulate curiosity in younger minds and equip them with the tools to be better human beings. Also, schools play an important role in helping children learn to interact positively with their peers and teachers.

How does school influence child development?

It is widely spread that the learning process is key in shaping one’s personality and the way they deal with situations of life. Therefore, in the present competitive world, school education is a basic necessity – says Vignan, one of the best schools in Vizag.

Students at Vignan are provided with access to new ideas, including science and technology, and are given the opportunity to explore more about the world. But, as a parent choosing the right school that provides exceptional and challenging educational experiences can be a difficult task.

For this reason, Vignan, the top school in Vizag in this article explains the ways how the school can affect a child’s cognitive development.

The Role of Vignan in child development

While the school’s first responsibility to its students may be academic, it does not end there. It should provide something more for a child’s development. Therefore, Vignan focuses on the following aspects, which contribute to the development of young minds as they step into adulthood.

1.  Mental aspect

School is the foremost foundation of education children are exposed to. Vignan gives students a chance to acquire knowledge in various fields such as people, literature, history, mathematics, and politics, etc. This contributes to the development of a child’s thought process.

2.  Social aspect

School is always the first place of socializing for a child. With Vignan, children are exposed not only to new ideas but also to same-aged competitors. This instills social behaviors such as empathy, friendship, and assistance in children which turn out to be an important factor in adulthood.

3.  Physical aspect

Staying physically active during childhood will strengthen the fundamental skills needed to lead a healthy and active life as an adult. So, we at Vigan encourage students to participate in sports and extracurricular activities to higher their self-esteem and develop motor skills.

4.  Essential learning areas

Schools provide a structured setting where children can learn more than academics. Our classrooms are divided into different learning areas, each equipped with study materials that are developmentally appropriate of the age.

5.  Develop self-confidence

The confidence level in students is an important factor to consider for educational success and so it is important for parents to ensure an atmosphere of learning. Vignan looks for interests, and talents in students and helps them translate those into responsibilities they assume.

6.  Overall development

Earlier, schools were considered as places to learn about historical events or solve tough mathematical problems. But, now children learn to go beyond the traditional way of rote learning. Hence, students at Vignan are taught to develop through a curriculum that leads to a well-developed cognitive system.

In this way, education at Vignan, which is ranked as one in the top ten schools in Vizag is solely responsible for the economic and social growth of a child.

Click here, For more information about how your child can have a successful career through Vignan Global Schools.

8 Ways To Make Kids Happy and Learning During Lockdown

Vignan World One School

As children are staying at home due to lockdown, a sub-crisis has risen to parents. But, what will kids do all day? Therefore, this is the time for you to find ways to smoothly transition your kids into a stay at home life. Are you wondering how? No worries.

To avoid the spread of novel coronavirus, Vignan, one of the best schools in Vizag shares some creative stay-at-home activities for kids that they really enjoy.

8 Ways To Make Kids Happy and Learning During Lockdown

Here are some ideas to help your kids entertain while they stay at home in a coronavirus outbreak.

1.  Make painted rock art

Rocks are free materials that offer endless creative opportunities. Take some acrylic craft paints, white paint pens or vibrant colors and allow your kids to create a family portrait or write inspirational quotes on rocks and pebbles.

2.  Build cardboard furniture

Make your kids learn to build furniture using recycled cardboard or duct tape. It is also a great family activity as the adults can cut the cardboard and kids can do the assembling and decorating.

3.  Make pop up cards

Pop-up cards are a great alternative to the ordinary greeting card. These cards make a gift and message a special. Allow your children to make a few simple cuts into a piece of decorative paper to create a tab.

4.  Create a mini Jungle Terrarium

A terrarium is a glass container that is used to create an indoor mini-garden with soil and plants. Ask your kids to find a glass jar and create a mini tropical jungle that lasts for months with minimal care.

5.  Make an indoor water garden

Growing plants underwater and also inside home helps keep a home cool in the summer and also brings the beauty of nature into your home. Tell your kids to use recycled jars to make a little indoor garden with some plants that grow in water.

6.  Leaf Prints

Leaf prints are a fun and easy craft activity for kids of all ages. Ask your kids to collect leaves of various sizes and shapes, and prepare material to paint a leaf on the paper. These beautiful leaf prints can be used as wall art and greeting cards.

7.  Watercolor Flowers

Watercolor is a painting method in which paints are made of pigments suspended in water-based. Make your kids learn how to paint watercolor flowers and capture the beauty of your garden.

8.  Puppet show

Making puppets that either has eyes open and close or mouth that open and close is always a fun activity for kids. Have your kids make a paper bag puppet and put on a puppet show for you. This creates lots of fun!

We at one of the best schools in Vizag hope the above tips help you keep your kids active and learning during coronavirus lockdown.

Stay Home. Stay Active!

Free GAP Analysis at Vignan


Is your child stuck with the same zone of marks in every test? Consider our modern education techniques.

GAP analysis is about finding the difference between the performance of the students vs what was expected of them as written in the plan. With this view, we at Vignan schools, one of the best schools in Visakhapatnam use modern GAP analysis to identify the area of improvement and help every student in reaching the target.

We also aim at progressive learning, an educational method that gives more value to experience than formal learning. Our way of progressive learning is based more on experiential learning that concentrates on the development of your child’s talents.

Benefits of progressive education at Vignan

Progressive education in schools is the best way for students to experience real-world experiences.

Others benefits are as follows:

  1. With progressive learning, children learn how to think rather than relying on rote memorization.
  2. Progressive learning, also known as experiential learning, allows students to learn actively engaging in activities that put their knowledge to use.
  3. It meets the needs and interests of every student and engages both intellectual as well as social intelligence.
  4. Help students create and understand new experiences.
  5. Teachers in a progressive education method sit among students at a round table to help them in the way of learning.
  6. Progressive education, on the other hand, is a much more open-minded process that results in a genuine form of learning, and greater retention of what is learned.
  7. Children are encouraged towards independent learning and critical thinking.
  8. Children learn to listen and respond to each other’s ideas and find a solution on their own.
  9. Emphasis on lifelong learning and social skills
  10. Progressive learning strongly focuses on problem-solving skills
  11. It leads to higher-level learning with hands-on projects and personal judgment on what needs to be done and how.

Be it from 35 to 40 marks or 90 to 95 marks what matters is making progress. We are happy to say that 80% of students at Vignan Global Gen Schools scored better after GAP implementation.

Want your child also to make progress? Meet our management at Vignan, the top school in Vizag and know more about GAP analysis.

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