9 Benefits of Abacus learning for children

As a parent, you always want your child to learn essential skills that will help them succeed later in life. One such important skill is learning to use an Abacus. Abacus learning has been around for centuries, and there is a reason for that – it works!
Studies have shown that children who learn to use an abacus perform better in math than their peers who don’t. This is because they can easily understand complex mathematical problems when required without any difficulty.
9 Benefits of Abacus learning for children
Abacus learning is an essential part of early childhood education. It helps children improve their mental arithmetic skills. However, as explained by Vignan, one of the best CBSE schools in Vizag, the following are some of the benefits of learning Abacus.
1. Develops mental math skills
Mental math is the ability to do mathematical calculations without using a calculator or other tools. Doing mental math helps develop computational fluency – the ability to do calculations quickly and accurately. Abacus learning helps develop cognitive math skills by teaching children to visualize numbers and perform calculations using an abacus tool.
2. Improves memory and concentration
Because abacus learning requires children to remember the number of beads on each rod, it helps to improve their memory and concentration. Concentration is the ability to focus on a task or activity for some time. Abacus learning can help children develop their concentration skills by teaching them to focus on the Abacus and block out distractions.
3. Enhances problem-solving abilities
Problem-solving skills are essential for children because they will need to use them in all aspects of their lives – at home, at school, and in the workplace. Learning Abacus can help children enhance their problem-solving abilities by teaching them how to break down a problem into smaller parts and then find a solution.
4. Develops fine motor skills
Fine motor skills are the ability to use small muscles in the hands and fingers to perform tasks such as writing, drawing, and buttoning a shirt. Abacus learning can help children develop their fine motor skills by teaching them to manipulate the beads on the Abacus.
5. Enhances hand-eye coordination
Hand-eye coordination is the ability to use your eyes and hands together to perform a task. Abacus learning can help children enhance their hand-eye coordination by teaching them how to track the movement of the beads on the Abacus.
6. Teaches patience and perseverance
Patience is the ability to wait for something without getting angry or frustrated. Perseverance is the ability to keep going even when it’s complicated. Abacus learning can help children develop these essential character traits by teaching them how to persevere through the challenge of learning to use the Abacus.
7. Encourages social interaction
Abacus learning is a social activity that encourages interaction with others. Children who learn to use an abacus will have opportunities to interact with other children in their class or group and adults. This social interaction can help children develop their communication and teamwork skills.
8. Boosts self-confidence
Learning Abacus skills can help boost children’s self-confidence by giving them a sense of accomplishment and success. Children who can use an abacus confidently will feel proud of themselves and their achievements. This boost in self-confidence can encourage children to try new things and take on new challenges.
9. Fun and engaging
Learning Abacus is fun and engaging for children. It’s a great way to learn new skills while also having fun. Abacus learning can help keep children’s attention focused and engaged, essential for their overall development.
Thus, by encouraging your child to learn how to use an abacus, you can allow them to excel in mathematics and other areas of their life. So, if you are looking for your child to excel in Abacus, join Vignan School.
At Vignan school, we believe our responsibility is to ensure that the students are introduced to math fundamentals engagingly. That is why we teach Abacus to the students. With our Abacus teaching methodologies, students can learn faster, easily retain knowledge and develop better cognitive abilities.
How students benefit from our typing skills classes?

Benefits of Typing Skills classes for students at Vignan School
With the technological advances today, typing has become an essential skill for students of all ages. With this view, Vignan school has been providing its students with a platform to learn typing skills.
Our typing classes teach the basics of typing and help students develop faster learning and greater academic performance. This blog post will explore some of the key benefits of typing skills classes for students at Vignan School.
1. Better Grades
According to the research, typing classes can positively impact academic performance. Students with good typing skills can get their thoughts down on paper (or screen) more quickly, which leads to better grades.
2. Fewer mistakes
Students who type faster and accurately are more proficient at grammar, punctuation, and spelling and tend to write longer, better-developed essays. They are also less likely to make mistakes because they don’t need to worry about typos or incorrect spacing.
3. Improved Concentration
Typing is a skill that demands undivided attention from the learner. Since it’s not a regular classroom session, the student needs to pay complete attention to learn the skill correctly. The concentration level gained by attending such classes can help the student’s overall academic performance.
4. Enhanced Memory
Typing requires both short-term and long-term memory skills to be done efficiently. As a student types away, they need to remember what they want to type, what keys their fingers are over, and how many words per minute they can type. By practicing typing regularly, students can help improve their overall memory.
5. Improved Coordination
Keyboard typing requires remembering which finger goes on what key and then making sure the fingers reach their designated spots quickly enough so that the workflow is efficient. This exercise promotes hand-eye coordination, and typing will become much easier.
6. Improves spelling skills
When a student learns how to type, instead of hunting for keys, he/she focuses on writing words rather than searching for keys one by one. This means a student who learns how to type at a young age will learn faster and have better spelling skills.
7. Reduced Stress
Taking typing skills classes at Vignan School can also help students reduce stress. This is because having good typing skills can make many tasks much easier and less time-consuming. This can free up students’ time to focus on other things, such as their studies or extracurricular activities.
8. Increase self-esteem
Typing skills classes help develop good habits in students that go beyond their online presence. Learning to use language correctly, whether written or verbal, helps them express themselves and increases their confidence in social situations and school.
9. Improved Job Prospects
In today’s competitive job market, having good keyboarding skills can give students a significant advantage. This is because many jobs now require computers, and being able to type quickly and accurately can make candidates much more attractive to employers.
10. Improved Overall Communication Skills
In addition to the benefits mentioned above, good keyboarding skills can also lead to improved overall communication skills. This is because typing is an essential part of written communication. By being able to type correctly and efficiently, students will communicate their ideas more effectively in writing.
The benefits of typing skills classes for students at Vignan School are manifold. They teach students how to set goals and systematically work towards them, a skill that will benefit them both academically and professionally. This makes our typing skills classes an invaluable experience for all students.
Want your child to acquire typing skills from a young age? Join Vigan School.
How to improve your child’s handwriting?

As children grow up, parents start worrying about their kids’ handwriting practice. This is primarily due to the importance of handwriting as a skill in our lives. Be it academics or professional arenas handwriting extends various benefits that include higher evaluations and self-confidence.
Through handwriting, kids are able to express themselves and learn to communicate with the world around them. However, handwriting is more than just putting a pencil to scribble words on paper. It involves coordination between the brain, thoughts, eyes, and hands.
Brain mentions what to compose and frames the shape of the text, the hand moves from left to right, forming the letters in their forms, and the eyes center around the world and the development of the text. Thus, handwriting is one of the most important fine motor skills that every child needs to develop.
If you are a parent, don’t stress! Vignan, one of the best CBSE schools in Vizag is here to help you improve your child’s handwriting skills.
1. Make practicing fun
Offer your child a special pencil or a rainbow of color pencils. Don’t just give them words to copy. Try simple word puzzles, fun games, or ask them to brainstorm lists around a theme to give writing practice a purpose.
2. Conduct letter formation practices
Encourage your child to do letter formation in both cursive and print forms. Pay attention to their letter size and placement on a paper. When doing cursive writing make them write on a ruled paper to align words and letters properly.
3. Help your child hold a pencil correctly
The first and foremost important thing in practicing handwriting is to hold the writing tool correctly. The pencil or crayon should be held in place with the thumb, index, and middle fingers. Ensure your child uses a chopstick to help them with a pencil grip.
4. Incorporate handwriting worksheets in the daily schedule
Handwriting worksheets are an essential tool when trying to improve your child’s handwriting. These are available in different forms that combine with fun, learning, and handwriting practice in one place. Handwriting worksheets helps improve your child’s neuromotor pathways as well.
5. Identify the underlying problem
Often children write in illegible handwriting to cover up their mistakes, which could be spelling or grammar errors. A low self-confidence could also push them to write in an incomprehensible form. So, find a solution to these underlying problems without belittling the child.
6.Work on spacing words
Make sure that your kids place their fingers on the paper after the word. Tell them to start the next word on the other side of the finger. This process will help them space out the words properly, which can make their handwriting look better overall.
7. Hone motor skills
Enhancing fine motor skills will help your children write neatly as they will learn to hold a pencil in the right way balance the book and page, maintain posture, control, and coordinate. Dexterity and hand coordination need to be perfect to produce good handwriting.
Ultimately, as a parent, you need to set out a separate handwriting session with your child to make it more fun and motivating. Try incorporating the above activities when trying to work on your child’s handwriting skills. Need more tips for your child’s overall development? Keep following Vignan.
7 Top Benefits of Environmental Education

Introducing environmental education to children is very important since it instills the values of conserving the environment. This enables children to make a difference both in their schools and in the communities around them. It also provides them with an opportunity to comprehensively understand various challenges facing the environment.
Creating awareness about the environment among the children goes hand in hand with developing them as successful individuals. Therefore, Vignan, one of the best CBSE schools in Vizag explains the key reasons why it is necessary to incorporate environmental education into the teaching curriculum.
1. Promotes healthy lifestyle
Environmental education helps students get outside and stay active. It also helps address some of the health issues we are seeing in children today, such as obesity, depression, and attention deficit disorders. Good nutrition is often emphasized through environmental education and their stress is optimally reduced due to the increased time spent in nature.
2. Imagination and enthusiasm are heightened
Environmental Education(EE) is hands-on, interactive learning that develops the imagination and unlocks creativity in children. When EE is included in the school curriculum, students are more enthusiastic and engaged in learning, which raises their achievement in core academic areas.
3. Learning transcends the classroom
Not only environmental education offers students the opportunities for experiential learning outside of the classroom, but it also enables them to make connections and apply their learning in the real world. Environmental awareness helps students see the interconnectedness of social, ecological, economic, cultural, and political issues.
4. Critical thinking skills are enhanced
Environmental education encourages children to research why things happen, and make their own decisions about environmental issues. By developing creative thinking skills, environmental awareness helps encourage a new generation of informed consumers as well as decision-makers.
5. Eliminating Biophobia
By exposing children to the environment and allowing them to play outside, environmental awareness fosters sensitivity, appreciation, and respect for the environment. This environmental awareness combats nature deficit disorder among children because they will be already accustomed to nature.
6. Teaches them to be responsible
Environmental education helps students understand how their actions and decisions affect the environment. This helps build the knowledge and skills necessary to address environmental issues and ways we can take action to keep our environment healthy and sustainable for the future.
7. Learning standards are met for multiple subjects
By incorporating environmental education practices into the curriculum, teachers can integrate science, math, language arts, history, and more into one activity. This helps satisfy numerous state and national academic standards in all subject areas. Taking a class outside nature provides students an excellent context for interdisciplinary learning.
Vignan, one of the top schools in Vizag suggests that students who go through environmental education become better and responsible adults in the future. So, want your child to learn environmental skills? Opt for Vignan Global schools, Vizag.
9 Tips to get rid of Laziness in Kids

Are you struggling to get your child to stop lazing around and getting things done? It can be frustrating when your child seems unwilling or unable to put in the effort necessary for success. But don’t worry, there are ways to help encourage your child to overcome laziness and become more productive.
In this post, we at Vignan, one of the best CBSE schools in Vizag, will discuss some of the best tips for overcoming laziness in children. So read on for helpful advice that will get your child moving in the right direction!
1. Set rules and expectations
One of the best ways to get rid of laziness in kids is to set rules and expectations. If they know what is expected of them, they are more likely to be motivated to do it. Make sure your rules are reasonable and achievable and that you enforce them consistently.
2. Help them develop a sense of responsibility
Kids who feel responsible for their actions are less likely to be lazy. So help them learn to take care of themselves and their belongings and make sure they understand the consequences of their actions. This will help them develop a sense of responsibility and accountability that will carry over into other areas of their lives.
3. Encourage them to be active
Kids who are active and engaged in physical activity are less likely to be lazy. So encourage them to participate in activities they enjoy, such as sports, dance, or martial arts. This will help them stay physically and mentally healthy, and it will also give them something to be proud of.
4. Provide opportunities for them to learn new things
Kids who are learning new things are typically less lazy than those who aren’t. So provide them with opportunities to learn new skills and knowledge, whether it’s through school, extracurricular activities, or just everyday experiences. This will keep their minds active and engaged, and it will help them stay motivated.
5. Set a good example
Kids learn a lot by watching their parents. So if you want them to be more active and responsible, set a good example for them to follow. Show them that working hard and being diligent are positive things, and that they can accomplish anything they put their minds to.
6. Praise them when they do well
When kids do well, it’s important to praise them for their efforts. This will help them feel appreciated and motivated to continue doing well. Be specific in your praises, and reward them properly when they meet your expectations.
7. Encourage good eating habits
Eating healthy foods can help boost energy levels and reduce laziness. Make sure your kids get the nutrients they need to stay active and focused. This could involve fresh fruits and vegetables, cooking balanced meals, and providing healthy snacks. Your kids will have the energy they need to stay active and productive throughout the day by eating healthy.
8. Tie up the consequences
It is important to state clearly the consequences of every action so that he will think twice before deciding not to act. For instance, if kids do not want to put away their toys after playing, tell them what will happen if they leave the toys out – perhaps the room may get messy and dirty.
9. Help them realize how they are affecting others
When kids see how their laziness is affecting those around them, they may be more likely to try and correct the problem. For instance, you could tell them that you will not have enough money to buy them new toys if they do not do their chores.
Vignan, the top school in Vizag, is where children can learn and grow without any laziness. Our teachers teach the kids to be active each day, which helps them stay healthy. This has helped many children who were once lazy become more educated and active in their daily lives. We hope you will come through our facilities so we can show you what all we do at Vignan School.
How Discipline is Important in Student’s Life

Discipline is one of the most essential features of a student’s life to achieve their goals. It lays a good foundation for being selective, independent, punctual, focused, encouraged, and organized. It also helps students to maintain a proper schedule of everything and prioritize their work as per its importance.
With so many distractions around them, it is easy for students to develop laziness. Therefore, the importance of discipline cannot be ignored. Discipline is a way of being honest, hardworking, motivated, and encouraged throughout their life.
Vignan, one of the best schools in Vizag explains the importance of discipline in a student’s life and why it is regarded as systematic training for achieving their goals.
Why is discipline important in a student’s life?
In school life, students may have a tender mind that does not know what is right or wrong. But, discipline plays a major role that helps them to go towards the right path. The following are the 7 most important points on how discipline is critical in a student’s life.
1. Time Management
If students follow the discipline in a better way than they can manage their time efficiently. This is because they are focused and know how to schedule the time properly. Good discipline also helps students finish their tasks within the given deadlines instead of wasting time. Students can cut down on a lot of unnecessary tasks if they start being self-disciplined.
2. Staying Active
Good discipline generates a positive attitude in students which is the most essential thing that they need throughout their lives. It also creates confidence and eagerness that makes them improve their academic performance. Also disciplined habits such as exercising regularly, having healthy food, and sleeping on time help them stay active.
3. Being Focused
Discipline teaches students to be more focused and motivated towards studies as well as other fields of their life. If students do not have discipline, it becomes harder for them to stay focused on their studies. But, when students stay focused on one assignment, they are more apt to complete it with greater efficiency.
4. Self-Control
If the students are disciplined they are more likely to have self-control which is required to override an impulse in order to respond appropriately. The habit of self-control in students helps them to manage motivational conflicts and improves relationships. Studies suggest that self-control in students play an important role in shaping the development of self-regulation.
5. Relieve Stress
When students are self-disciplined and have control over time, their tasks don’t get accumulated for the next day. This reduces a lot of stress and anxiety concerning studies. Staying disciplined help students to study ahead of time and not just before the exams, so they remain stress-free also get out of fear and depression.
6. Improves Academic Performance
Self-discipline enables an all-round learning experience which helps them cultivate the ability to process the information better. It also ensures that all academic-related activities are done organically and in time. For example, classroom discipline helps students to follow the teacher carefully and perform well in the exams which results in better grades.
7. Being A Good Example To Others
Discipline is always inspirational. When a student is self-disciplined in their own way, they also encourage others to make a change in their lives. This creates a productive environment on which students think, study, and also have fun. Thus, students with good discipline can influence others because it is the clearest form of communication.
We at, Vignan the top CBSE school in Vizag, believe that student discipline comes from the inherent desire to dream big and work purposefully towards achieving them. The seeds of change are inside every student but they are waiting to grow at the right time in the right place.
The Impact Of Using Gadgets On Children Development

Can kids and electronic gadgets coincide harmlessly or is it detrimental to their development
Yes, excessive use of devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and computer desktops can cause physical and mental damage to your kids.
It comes as no surprise that children are addicted to gadgets and spend most of their time on these devices. For some kids, playing with electronic devices is not only a part of life but it is the only thing in life. As the gadgets are increasing day by day, it can lead to technology addiction among children.
Many researchers also state that the thinking and emotional development during the first five years of a child is crucial. Allowing them to spend too much time using digital gadgets can impact irreversible damage such as weakening of the brain’s cognitive functions and radiation exposure.
However, parents still seem to be unaware of the facts about the harmful effects of gadgets on children. Don’t worry. Vignan, one of the best schools in Vizag is here to explain the negative effects of modern gadgets on children and the ways to prevent them.
7 Effects of using Electronic Gadgets on Children
It’s a fact that kids are more vulnerable to spending too much time on gadgets than adults which has a great impact on their overall development. Some of the ill-effects of excessive use of electronic devices on kids are listed below:
1. Attention Deficits
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder that contributes to problems like low self-esteem, limited attention, hyperactivity, or difficulty controlling emotional behaviour. ADHD often begins in childhood that causes them unable to focus and easily distracted.
2. Obesity
Children who rely on their playing time in front of the screens rather than outside do not burn the calories they take in. Several research studies have concluded that the lack of physical activity in children is a major contributing factor to childhood obesity and its accompanying risks.
3. Learning Issues
Children learn a lot of things before the age of five and if they are using gadgets their time to communicate with parents and learning is bounded. They need proper time talking to their parents so they learn new words and the way to communicate.
4. Addiction
In the absence of parental attachment, detached children can attach to the devices that result in addiction. Also, these electronic devices are excessively stimulant to the child’s brain functioning. As a result, children find normal activities as dull and boring.
5. Eyestrain
Electronic gadgets are the main causes of eye problems in children. Overuse of these devices results in the drying up of the fluid in the eyes, a burning sensation, and certain eye infections. Screen brightness and screen distance from the eyes can ultimately affect their vision.
6. Triggers Neck and Back Pain
While children spend time playing with gadgets they don’t pay attention to their posture. But, poor sitting posture triggers neck and back pain which results in sore neck muscles. If left untreated bad posture could affect your child’s spinal cord that leads to permanent hunching.
7. Poor Sleep Patterns
Research has confirmed that overexposure to mobile phones and other electronic devices as they can stimulate brain activity and cause sleep disturbances. Therefore, it is particularly important for children to avoid gadgets before their bedtime.
What parents can do about it?
Here are some tips to protect children from the adverse effects of electronic gadgets.
- Restrict or set a specific amount of time for children to spend on gadgets.
- Encourage children to play outside with their friends and siblings.
- Find alternative methods of keeping them engaged like playing with toys or reading storybooks.
- Ensure that children are not exposed to excess violence.
- If any side effects or signs of addiction are noted, seek expert help.
A recent research also suggests that the use of gadgets in a constructive way can lead to healthier and effective minds. Encouraging a child to use it in educational activities or study purposes can result in the drastic change in their lives.
Visit Vignan, one of the top CBSE schools in Vizag to know more about the impact of technology on children.
Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Education

In today’s global era of associated learning, the impact of social media platforms on education is becoming a dynamic factor. Social media is now considered as a learning platform that helps in improving student engagement and capabilities. These platforms provide students the opportunity to connect, get in touch, access information, and research.
The technology referred to here transpires social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. And there are video presentation platforms such as Skype, Google Hangouts, or Web video. These technologies have given rise to flipped classrooms and changed the way knowledge is conveyed to students.
However, social media has many positive effects on education including better communication, timely information, and socializing online, etc. But at the same time, it has some negative effects which include identity theft, cyberbullying, and social isolation. Vignan, one of the best CBSE schools in Vizag, here explains the most crucial aspects of social media and how it impacts on education.
Let’s see the positive effects of social media:
1. Encourage Online Learning
With the advanced use of social media platforms in schools, the students get encouraged and motivated to learn. The use of YouTube to watch educational videos, easy access to e-books, and learning through video calling are some of the major aspects which contribute to educational development.
2. Enhances Academic Performance
Social media helps to improve student academic performance and increase their knowledge through data and information gathering. When students are assigned with different projects, they go through various online platforms to get information so as to find solutions to their assignments.
3. Acquire New Skills
Social media teaches students skills that they need to survive in the business world. Being able to create and maintain connections with many people from different locations is an integral part of developing a career or building a business, and which social media can make it possible.
4. Quality Education
Through social media, it has also increased the rate and quality of collaboration for students. They are better able to communicate with each other, share information quickly, which can increase their productivity, and help them learn how to communicate well in groups.
5. Familiarity With New Technology
By spending more time working with new technologies, students develop more familiarity with computers and other electronic devices. With the increased focus on technology in education can help students build skills that will aid them throughout their lives.
6. Enhances Creativity
Social media encourages creativity in students by providing them the opportunity to express their original ideas and opinions. In this environment, the ability to self-teach and to drive one’s own learning can provide much-needed confidence or help them decide what career path they want to pursue.
Let’s see the negative effects of social media as well
Causes Distraction
Social media platforms are a primary factor that is leading to distraction and hindrance to the mind. Students tend to lose their focus from studying and rather enjoy browsing on social networking. All this leads to a wastage of time without learning anything from it.
Reduces Self-learning
Today, students are relying on the accessibility of information especially on social media and on the web in general to provide answers. This can reduce a student’s focus on learning and retaining information individually.
Impacts Health
The use of social media platforms with sheer negligence can have mental as well as physical effects on one’s health. Students who do not take proper rest and by continuously being on a phone or a laptop can have adverse effects on their eyes.
Privacy Is Not Maintained
The degree to which private information is available online is not secured. Most students don’t constantly evaluate the content they are publishing online, which can bring about negative consequences months or years later.
Vignan, the leading school in Vizag makes sure that students make use of such social media platforms with sincerity and that they do not waste their time browsing useless things. Learning several extracurricular activities are encouraged through such channels which our students get motivated to score high in every aspect of life.
Reasons why your child is having trouble focusing in School

Getting children to pay attention in class is not so easy, and many parents seem to have a problem with it. When this happens, parents often wonder why their child can’t focus and whether the child could have a learning difficulty. But, attention and concentration issues are very common, especially in school-aged children.
It’s important to know that not all children who have a hard time focusing in school have a learning difficulty such as ADD or ADHD. The trouble with focusing in school can be caused by a number of different reasons.
Does your child also have difficulty staying focused in school?
Vignan, one of the best CBSE schools in Vizag is here to help you pinpoint the cause of your child’s inability to concentrate in the classroom and the solutions to overcome them. Before that let’s explore how to know that your child is having concentration difficulties.
What are the Signs of concentration problems in children?
There are a number of behaviors that you might notice in your child if having trouble with concentration, including:
- A dislike of school
- Distracted very easily
- Prone to low grades
- Unable to follow instructions
- Unable to keep things organized
- Difficulty completing school works
- Experiencing difficulty with learning
- Displays behavioral difficulties such as aggression, moodiness, or irritability.
- Difficulty to maintain friendships
These Concentration difficulties in children can have a significant impact on their academic career. Therefore, before looking for solutions, it is important to identify the reasons why your child is having trouble focusing.
Top Reasons why your child is having trouble focusing in School
Here are some of the reasons that are responsible for a concentration difficulty in a child:
1. Difficult Tasks
When children find that the given task is difficult or hard to manage, they will not be able to concentrate well on it.
Break the big task into smaller tasks that appear simpler to your child and ensure that they are age-appropriate.
2. Distractions in the environment
Children are naturally curious, but they cannot sit in one place and concentrate. Their wandering minds are more likely to get distracted by anything such as Tv, smartphones, and games, etc.
Ensure that the room your child is studying is free from any kind of distractions.
3. Lack of motivation
Attention and concentration problems in children can also be due to a lack of motivation. This can lead to a number of issues in the classroom including disinterest towards a subject.
Keep your child stay motivated and interested in the subjects by setting small and measurable goals.
4. Not getting enough sleep
When children are not getting the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep each night, they will naturally be unable to focus well in the classroom.
Ensure that your child has a good sleeping schedule, and do not allow them to stay till late at night.
5. Poor Nutrition
Lack of sufficient nutrients in the body is another big cause for a child having trouble concentrating in the school.
Give your child a well -balanced diet on a regular basis and make sure that they are not skipping breakfast.
6. Mismatched Learning Style
Not all children learn in the same way. Some learn best by seeing, some by hearing, and others learn by practicing.
Find the right learning style for your child that allows them to adapt their classroom methods to learn their best.
7. Disorganization Problems
A disorganized workspace can lead to distraction and a lack of concentration in children. They spend time searching the material needed to learn rather than paying attention to what is being taught.
Help your children organize their books and things, and make sure that you check their work every day.
8. School Anxiety
Anxiety about school or grades can be another deeper issue leading to a lack of concentration in the classroom. Students who are stressed by a subject may end up with lower grades.
Talk to your child about their fears and feelings. Try out some practical strategies that help them to be in control of their anxiety.
9. Not Being Challenged Enough
Children who are not challenged enough in the classroom can lose interest in the subjects and stop paying attention altogether.
Encourage your kids with challenging activities like solving a puzzle, making art, or learning a new language that increases their concentration.
10. Learning Difficulties
If your child is having trouble focusing in the classroom, it could be due to learning difficulties such as ADD, ADHD, or Dyslexia. Deal with your child’s learning disability by keeping things in perspective and be a good listener and an advocate for your child.No matter what’s causing your child’s trouble with focus, follow the above-mentioned tips that help your child improve.
Still, concerned to overcome your child’s concentration issues? Opt for Vignan Global Gen Schools which is continuously striving to create an effective learning environment that helps children to achieve their potential to the fullest.
Ways to Raise Your Child as a Self-Learner

One of the important skills that parents help their kids develop is to become self-learners. Children who are independent learners can have more self-confidence and have a sense that they have control over their learning.
Self-learning is a greater tool that will stay with children throughout their lives. It is important for children to manage their own time, and particularly learning independently. Parents can help encouraging self-learning in children from a young age.
But, how exactly parents can help their children to become independent learners? So here, in this article, Vignan, one of the best schools in Vizag shares a few tips on how to raise children into self-learners.
1. Stop spoon-feeding
The first and foremost thing that parents must do to build a self-learning child is to stop spoon-feeding in every possible way. Explaining concepts and clarifying doubts is fine, but taking control of everything they learn impacts the independent thought process of the young minds. Children who are too much supervised by their parents in academics tend to withdraw from learning on their own.
Hence, it is important for parents to guide their children through the learning process, by providing them with the flexibility to embrace the process at their own pace.
2. Make children acquire the habit of reading
Reading is not just a habit that improves vocabulary and literacy skills, but it aids in improving the overall cognitive development in children. When you develop in your child the interest in reading, you basically improve their tendency of learning. When children find it easier to read and understand, they become better at self-learning.
This is because reading trains the brain to process information much more quickly, which thereby aids in improving the ability of self-learning.
3. Help children to stay organized
Teaching good organizing skills is very important for children as they form the basis for self-learning and success in school life. Let children organize their activities like books and assignments on their own at home. Do not get frustrated, be patient and consistent in teaching them the art of organizing.
Motive your children and guide them whenever and wherever needed, but allow them to take control and do it all on their own.
4. Focus on learning, not grades
Even though the academic performance and learning outcomes are equally important, children who put the focus on the overall learning experience benefits a lot. It allows them multiple opportunities to prove their understanding and incorporates flexibility for individual learning that generates and enhances intelligence.
Therefore, get your children to focus on actual learning rather than learning merely for academic grades and rewards.
5. Encourage creativity
While spending time with your child, it is necessary to provide them with their own space to bloom. Studies also show that kid’s imaginations provide them opportunities to practice and develop their language and social skills. Creativity also helps children to be more confident, develop self-learning and problem-solving skills.
Encourage your child to have their independent playtime where they think, create, and entertain themselves that help them revamp their brain.
When you help your child with his/her homework, here are some simple steps that help your child become a more independent learner.
- Help your child to answer one or two questions and allow them to do the next ones by themselves.
- Set a time limit that will take them to finish the task which helps them to stay focused on their work.
- Gradually move away from your child when they start their homework and finish it by themselves.
Recognized as one of the best CBSE schools in Vizag, we at Vignan believe that being a self-learner help child to rise into successful individuals later in life. Hence we always lay special emphasis on nurturing the creative minds of our students and enrich their curiosity to gain self-confidence and grow into self-learners.