No Bag Day at Vignan, Vizag

No Bag Day at Vignan, Vizag 1

Vignan’s World One school has a strong focus on academic excellence and a strong commitment to instilling in each student the values of hard work and perseverance. With this view, World one school, Duvvada campus has conducted a ‘No Bag’ day to develop life skills in children.

This initiative aims to empower our students by helping them build team spirit, connect with people, show empathy to others, and enhance problem-solving and decision-making skills. Children came to school without their school bags and course curriculum books. 

We have involved them in some creative learning activities throughout the day. We also conducted group discussions, team activities, quizzes, and role play in the classes

No Bag day was a huge success as it helped children develop essential life skills that will benefit them later in life. Vignan’s World One school is looking forward to conducting such activities for the overall development of children. 

No Bag Day at Vignan, Vizag 1
No Bag Day at Vignan, Vizag 1

International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day At Vignan School 10

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India since time immemorial. “The International Day of Yoga” is being celebrated annually on June 21st since 2015, following its inception in the UN General Assembly in 2014.

The prime minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, suggested the date June 21st, as it is the longest day of the year and shares a special significance in many parts of the world.

Vignan Steel City Public school also took this opportunity to commemorate this day by conducting Yoga week and special Yoga Day on June 21st on the school premises. The children of all classes participated in the event along with their teachers.

The principal rendered an informative speech about the importance of Yoga in our lives followed by a demonstration of different Yogasanas, headed by the Principal and the PET. The event continues for the entire week during assembly so that the children can imbibe the true essence and importance of Yoga as part of our daily life.

International Yoga Day At Vignan School 10
International Yoga Day At Vignan School 10
International Yoga Day At Vignan School 10
International Yoga Day At Vignan School
International Yoga Day At Vignan School 10
International Yoga Day At Vignan School
International Yoga Day At Vignan School
International Yoga Day At Vignan School 10
International Yoga Day At Vignan School 10
International Yoga Day At Vignan School 10
International Yoga Day At Vignan School 10

Welcome Back To School

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School bells are ringing loud and clear; vacations are over, and school is here.

The most important day of a child’s education is the first day of school. Firsts are always the best as it is the beginning. Students of Vignan were super excited as they came back to school after the summer vacation.

They had bright faces as they boarded the school bus and happy smiles and chatter spread all over the school campus. It was a huge delight to watch them.

Our teachers welcomed the kids with great joy and surprises to make them feel comfortable and special. The kids are now ready for a challenging year ahead.

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Welcome back to school 3
Welcome back to school 3

9 Benefits of Abacus learning for children


As a parent, you always want your child to learn essential skills that will help them succeed later in life. One such important skill is learning to use an Abacus. Abacus learning has been around for centuries, and there is a reason for that – it works!  

Studies have shown that children who learn to use an abacus perform better in math than their peers who don’t. This is because they can easily understand complex mathematical problems when required without any difficulty.

9 Benefits of Abacus learning for children

Abacus learning is an essential part of early childhood education. It helps children improve their mental arithmetic skills. However, as explained by Vignan, one of the best CBSE schools in Vizag, the following are some of the benefits of learning Abacus.


1. Develops mental math skills

Mental math is the ability to do mathematical calculations without using a calculator or other tools. Doing mental math helps develop computational fluency – the ability to do calculations quickly and accurately. Abacus learning helps develop cognitive math skills by teaching children to visualize numbers and perform calculations using an abacus tool.

2. Improves memory and concentration

Because abacus learning requires children to remember the number of beads on each rod, it helps to improve their memory and concentration. Concentration is the ability to focus on a task or activity for some time. Abacus learning can help children develop their concentration skills by teaching them to focus on the Abacus and block out distractions.

3. Enhances problem-solving abilities

Problem-solving skills are essential for children because they will need to use them in all aspects of their lives – at home, at school, and in the workplace. Learning Abacus can help children enhance their problem-solving abilities by teaching them how to break down a problem into smaller parts and then find a solution.

4. Develops fine motor skills

Fine motor skills are the ability to use small muscles in the hands and fingers to perform tasks such as writing, drawing, and buttoning a shirt. Abacus learning can help children develop their fine motor skills by teaching them to manipulate the beads on the Abacus.

5. Enhances hand-eye coordination

 Hand-eye coordination is the ability to use your eyes and hands together to perform a task. Abacus learning can help children enhance their hand-eye coordination by teaching them how to track the movement of the beads on the Abacus.

6. Teaches patience and perseverance

Patience is the ability to wait for something without getting angry or frustrated. Perseverance is the ability to keep going even when it’s complicated. Abacus learning can help children develop these essential character traits by teaching them how to persevere through the challenge of learning to use the Abacus.

7. Encourages social interaction

Abacus learning is a social activity that encourages interaction with others. Children who learn to use an abacus will have opportunities to interact with other children in their class or group and adults. This social interaction can help children develop their communication and teamwork skills.

8. Boosts self-confidence

Learning Abacus skills can help boost children’s self-confidence by giving them a sense of accomplishment and success. Children who can use an abacus confidently will feel proud of themselves and their achievements. This boost in self-confidence can encourage children to try new things and take on new challenges.

9. Fun and engaging

Learning Abacus is fun and engaging for children. It’s a great way to learn new skills while also having fun. Abacus learning can help keep children’s attention focused and engaged, essential for their overall development.

Thus, by encouraging your child to learn how to use an abacus, you can allow them to excel in mathematics and other areas of their life. So, if you are looking for your child to excel in Abacus, join Vignan School.

At Vignan school, we believe our responsibility is to ensure that the students are introduced to math fundamentals engagingly. That is why we teach Abacus to the students. With our Abacus teaching methodologies, students can learn faster, easily retain knowledge and develop better cognitive abilities.

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Interactive Session on What Next?

Interactive Session 13

Vignan’s World one school conducted an interactive session with the CEO and faculty members on “What next after 10th board?” The event was aimed at helping students and parents understand the various options available after the 10th.

Our CEO, Mr. N. Srikanth, spoke about choosing the right stream after the 10th and the various options available. He also explained the importance of choosing a career that one is passionate about. Our faculty members shared their experiences and advised students on the various options available after the 10th board.

The event was informative and helped students and parents understand the importance of choosing the right stream and career.

Interactive Session 13
Interactive Session 13
Interactive Session 13
Interactive Session 13
Interactive Session 13
Interactive Session 13
Interactive Session 13
Interactive Session 13
Interactive Session 13
Interactive Session 13
Interactive Session 13

Pencil Dust Activity

Pencil Dust 1

Vignan School conducted a pencil dust activity for kids. The purpose of the activity was to create awareness among the students about the harmful effects of pencil dust and how to avoid it. The students were divided into groups, and each group was given a sheet of paper. They were asked to draw a picture of a scene from their daily life using only pencils. After the activity, the students were asked to dust their hands and see the difference. This activity was a great success, and our students learned a lot from it.

Pencil Dust 1
Pencil Dust 1
Pencil Dust 1

Conversational Talks

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At Vignan school, we recently conducted a ‘Conversational Talks’ activity for our students. The activity aimed to encourage children to speak English and learn new words. This would help them in their studies and future career. Various topics were discussed in the talks, and the children participated actively in the discussions. They learned about different aspects of life and how to communicate effectively with others. The activity was a huge success, and the children enjoyed it immensely.

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Mayday celebration at Vignan, VIzag

May day 20

Vignan’s World one school, Thimmapuram campus, conducted MayDay celebrations with daily workers from our local community. The event was organized to recognize the contributions of the laborers to society and the economy at large, and this was an appreciation for their hard work every day.

A cake-cutting ceremony was held in the presence of our principal Prasad Chandra Khandal and the staff. The event was a great opportunity for the students to interact with the daily workers and learn about their dedication to society.

Vignan school conducted various activities by giving tribute to the daily laborers working in different industries. By organizing this event, Vignan truly demonstrated its commitment to helping the community and fostering a spirit of inclusion among all members of society.

The Mayday celebration was a great success, and the workers were very happy to receive the recognition. Vignan’s World one School would like to thank all the daily workers who attended the event and made it a memorable experience for everyone involved.  Thank you for making it such a special occasion!

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May day 20
May day 20
May day 20
May day 20
May day 20
May day 20
May day 20
May day 20
May day 20
May day 20
May day 20

How students benefit from our typing skills classes?

Typing Skills classes for Students at Vignan's World One School

Benefits of Typing Skills classes for students at Vignan School

With the technological advances today, typing has become an essential skill for students of all ages. With this view, Vignan school has been providing its students with a platform to learn typing skills.

Our typing classes teach the basics of typing and help students develop faster learning and greater academic performance. This blog post will explore some of the key benefits of typing skills classes for students at Vignan School.


1. Better Grades

According to the research, typing classes can positively impact academic performance. Students with good typing skills can get their thoughts down on paper (or screen) more quickly, which leads to better grades.

2. Fewer mistakes

Students who type faster and accurately are more proficient at grammar, punctuation, and spelling and tend to write longer, better-developed essays. They are also less likely to make mistakes because they don’t need to worry about typos or incorrect spacing.

3. Improved Concentration

Typing is a skill that demands undivided attention from the learner. Since it’s not a regular classroom session, the student needs to pay complete attention to learn the skill correctly. The concentration level gained by attending such classes can help the student’s overall academic performance.

4. Enhanced Memory

Typing requires both short-term and long-term memory skills to be done efficiently. As a student types away, they need to remember what they want to type, what keys their fingers are over, and how many words per minute they can type. By practicing typing regularly, students can help improve their overall memory.

5. Improved Coordination

Keyboard typing requires remembering which finger goes on what key and then making sure the fingers reach their designated spots quickly enough so that the workflow is efficient. This exercise promotes hand-eye coordination, and typing will become much easier.

6. Improves spelling skills

When a student learns how to type, instead of hunting for keys, he/she focuses on writing words rather than searching for keys one by one. This means a student who learns how to type at a young age will learn faster and have better spelling skills.

7. Reduced Stress

Taking typing skills classes at Vignan School can also help students reduce stress. This is because having good typing skills can make many tasks much easier and less time-consuming. This can free up students’ time to focus on other things, such as their studies or extracurricular activities.

8. Increase self-esteem

Typing skills classes help develop good habits in students that go beyond their online presence. Learning to use language correctly, whether written or verbal, helps them express themselves and increases their confidence in social situations and school.

9. Improved Job Prospects

In today’s competitive job market, having good keyboarding skills can give students a significant advantage. This is because many jobs now require computers, and being able to type quickly and accurately can make candidates much more attractive to employers. 

10. Improved Overall Communication Skills

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, good keyboarding skills can also lead to improved overall communication skills. This is because typing is an essential part of written communication. By being able to type correctly and efficiently, students will communicate their ideas more effectively in writing. 

The benefits of typing skills classes for students at Vignan School are manifold.  They teach students how to set goals and systematically work towards them, a skill that will benefit them both academically and professionally. This makes our typing skills classes an invaluable experience for all students.

Want your child to acquire typing skills from a young age? Join Vigan School.

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Earth Day celebrations, 2022

Earth Day celebrations 8

Earth Day has been celebrated since 1970  to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It is intended to remind us that “the healthier our ecosystems are, the healthier the planet – and its people.

Such an educational celebration was also conducted by Vignan Steel City Public School, Duvvada, on 22nd April 2022. The celebrations consisted of several activities designed to raise students’ awareness about environmental conservation and sustainability.

Our tiny tots of the Pre-Primary section came up with beautiful representations of the earth and how they can conserve the environment. Their cute acts and expressions remind us that we must protect the environment, restore the ecosystem, and live a more sustainable life.

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Earth Day celebrations 8
Earth Day celebrations 8
Earth Day celebrations 8
Earth Day celebrations 8
Earth Day celebrations 8
Earth Day celebrations 8
Earth Day celebrations 8
Years of Experience