No Bag Day at Vignan, Vizag

Vignan’s World One school has a strong focus on academic excellence and a strong commitment to instilling in each student the values of hard work and perseverance. With this view, World one school, Duvvada campus has conducted a ‘No Bag’ day to develop life skills in children.
This initiative aims to empower our students by helping them build team spirit, connect with people, show empathy to others, and enhance problem-solving and decision-making skills. Children came to school without their school bags and course curriculum books.
We have involved them in some creative learning activities throughout the day. We also conducted group discussions, team activities, quizzes, and role play in the classes
No Bag day was a huge success as it helped children develop essential life skills that will benefit them later in life. Vignan’s World One school is looking forward to conducting such activities for the overall development of children.