How to improve your child’s handwriting?

As children grow up, parents start worrying about their kids’ handwriting practice. This is primarily due to the importance of handwriting as a skill in our lives. Be it academics or professional arenas handwriting extends various benefits that include higher evaluations and self-confidence.
Through handwriting, kids are able to express themselves and learn to communicate with the world around them. However, handwriting is more than just putting a pencil to scribble words on paper. It involves coordination between the brain, thoughts, eyes, and hands.
Brain mentions what to compose and frames the shape of the text, the hand moves from left to right, forming the letters in their forms, and the eyes center around the world and the development of the text. Thus, handwriting is one of the most important fine motor skills that every child needs to develop.
If you are a parent, don’t stress! Vignan, one of the best CBSE schools in Vizag is here to help you improve your child’s handwriting skills.
1. Make practicing fun
Offer your child a special pencil or a rainbow of color pencils. Don’t just give them words to copy. Try simple word puzzles, fun games, or ask them to brainstorm lists around a theme to give writing practice a purpose.
2. Conduct letter formation practices
Encourage your child to do letter formation in both cursive and print forms. Pay attention to their letter size and placement on a paper. When doing cursive writing make them write on a ruled paper to align words and letters properly.
3. Help your child hold a pencil correctly
The first and foremost important thing in practicing handwriting is to hold the writing tool correctly. The pencil or crayon should be held in place with the thumb, index, and middle fingers. Ensure your child uses a chopstick to help them with a pencil grip.
4. Incorporate handwriting worksheets in the daily schedule
Handwriting worksheets are an essential tool when trying to improve your child’s handwriting. These are available in different forms that combine with fun, learning, and handwriting practice in one place. Handwriting worksheets helps improve your child’s neuromotor pathways as well.
5. Identify the underlying problem
Often children write in illegible handwriting to cover up their mistakes, which could be spelling or grammar errors. A low self-confidence could also push them to write in an incomprehensible form. So, find a solution to these underlying problems without belittling the child.
6.Work on spacing words
Make sure that your kids place their fingers on the paper after the word. Tell them to start the next word on the other side of the finger. This process will help them space out the words properly, which can make their handwriting look better overall.
7. Hone motor skills
Enhancing fine motor skills will help your children write neatly as they will learn to hold a pencil in the right way balance the book and page, maintain posture, control, and coordinate. Dexterity and hand coordination need to be perfect to produce good handwriting.
Ultimately, as a parent, you need to set out a separate handwriting session with your child to make it more fun and motivating. Try incorporating the above activities when trying to work on your child’s handwriting skills. Need more tips for your child’s overall development? Keep following Vignan.