Free GAP Analysis at Vignan


Is your child stuck with the same zone of marks in every test? Consider our modern education techniques.

GAP analysis is about finding the difference between the performance of the students vs what was expected of them as written in the plan. With this view, we at Vignan schools, one of the best schools in Visakhapatnam use modern GAP analysis to identify the area of improvement and help every student in reaching the target.

We also aim at progressive learning, an educational method that gives more value to experience than formal learning. Our way of progressive learning is based more on experiential learning that concentrates on the development of your child’s talents.

Benefits of progressive education at Vignan

Progressive education in schools is the best way for students to experience real-world experiences.

Others benefits are as follows:

  1. With progressive learning, children learn how to think rather than relying on rote memorization.
  2. Progressive learning, also known as experiential learning, allows students to learn actively engaging in activities that put their knowledge to use.
  3. It meets the needs and interests of every student and engages both intellectual as well as social intelligence.
  4. Help students create and understand new experiences.
  5. Teachers in a progressive education method sit among students at a round table to help them in the way of learning.
  6. Progressive education, on the other hand, is a much more open-minded process that results in a genuine form of learning, and greater retention of what is learned.
  7. Children are encouraged towards independent learning and critical thinking.
  8. Children learn to listen and respond to each other’s ideas and find a solution on their own.
  9. Emphasis on lifelong learning and social skills
  10. Progressive learning strongly focuses on problem-solving skills
  11. It leads to higher-level learning with hands-on projects and personal judgment on what needs to be done and how.

Be it from 35 to 40 marks or 90 to 95 marks what matters is making progress. We are happy to say that 80% of students at Vignan Global Gen Schools scored better after GAP implementation.

Want your child also to make progress? Meet our management at Vignan, the top school in Vizag and know more about GAP analysis.

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